Sharon Brown
Sharon Brown was a Registered Nurse for a total of 46 years before retiring. She is a member and Deaconess of Mt Olive Missionary Baptist Church and holds membership in a Neighborhood Association, several Community Organizations, and is a long-time executive committee member of the Des Moines Branch NAACP.
Sharon is a talented actress and One Women Presentation presenter of Rosa Parks, Harriett Tubman, Edna Griffin, Sojourner Truth, Cathay Williams, Fannie Lou Hammer, and Mary Eliza Mahoney. She has had parts in plays such as People Verse Jesus, No Cross No Crown, Shaken the Mess Out of Misery, and Queen Street.
Sharon has a heart for her community and has been awarded appropriately. She received the Black Ministerial Alliance Exemplary Contributions and Service to our Community Award in January 2012, an award from the National Association Of Colored Women’s Club for her presentation of Harriet Tubman at their 116th Session in July 2012, the President’s Volunteer Service Award in January 2014, the Community Champion Des Moines in 2016 and the Crocker Street Reunion Community Award in 2016.
Sharon gives God all the glory and praise.